Bootstrap Image Preview


刊登日期:2016-11-10 │ 點閱率:1810

Task: Write a paragraph based on a picture
Direction: In this assignment, you will describe the picture in as much detail as you can and write a 120 to 150-word paragraph.  The first sentence should be a topic sentence, i.e., the main idea, of your paragraph.  In the rest of the paragraph, you should support the topic sentence with your reasons, examples, or personal experience.

Please click the following link (,c4502-1.php) to view the picture.


105/11/17(四) ~ 105/12/07(三) 同學登入「閱讀寫作系統」輸入英文作文
105/12/05(一) ~ 105/12/18(日) 同儕、課程助教,進行英文作文評閱
105/12/19(一) ~ 106/01/01(日) 教師進行英文作文評閱
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